Thursday, December 07, 2006

Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(If you haven't yet believed me about being a dork, you're about to.)

I get really excited whenever I have to take a test or exam. About an hour before it's scheduled my mind goes into this zone and my heart races, I feel alive. I know I'll do amazing (because I always do). I have to remind myself to breathe and try not to correct the person behind me that has just mistaken the birth narrative in Matthew for the one in Luke. I try not to bet myself how quickly I'll be done. I realize that every answer is as good as money in the bank, the more successful I am the greater the scholarship amount will be. I begin twirling my pencil and tapping my foot, the millions of facts I've memorized has given me all the confidence I need. The friend beside turns to say good luck (as per usual my mental responses is I don't need it!). My fingers start to itch, I can't wait to see if this will be one that will challenge and engage me (I always feel let down with a easy, mindless exam, I almost feel it doesn't deserve to have one of my intelligent, insightful, humourous responses). When I finish I know I'll look up and give the professor my "that was a piece of cake" grin (even if it wasn't). I wait for my friend to finish and try not to twiddle my thumbs or look too smug. Suddenly, I feel saddened that the experience is over and I'm almost reluctant to leave. I blink the feelings gone and I'm on my merry way.


Because I can be!!

(I just opened a fortune cookie – To guarantee success, act as if it were impossible to fail.)


TruthWriter said...

I have a similar attitude to tests and exams, but I wouldnt say it was cocky so much as just extreme self confidence. Which is always a great thing to have!

Its good to believe in yourself. Afterall if you are negative you are more likely to fail! So confidence and a positive attitude are the way to go.

Anonymous said...

confucius say...
you very good girl

kristin said...

I never doubted that you were a big dork. congratulations on your exam. you probably got an a++++++ right??

Anonymous said...

confucius say..
you very dorky girl

k a r e n said...

Congratulations! I'm sure you did very well in your exam. You've always struck me as a very intelligent person.

I used to get very nervous before an exam even if i already studied inside-out... i really am such a worrier.