Sunday, October 15, 2006

And call me in the morning

I strongly dislike taking medication (I would say hate, however the fact that they keep me from lapsing into a coma or going blind makes me refrain from absolute abhorrence). I have become more diligent when it comes to taking them, but there are still those mornings where I can't remember if it was yesterday I took my medication or 10 minutes ago. I'm happy to report that I'm obviously doing a good job as my doctor told me on Friday my sugars and everything else are the best they've been since becoming diabetic. The only downside to everything is the constant changes being made to my dosages and prescriptions. Just as soon as my body has become accustomed to something it gets changed and I it puts my body into an upheaval again. As well, I seem to have lost many of my superhuman abilities. I can't stay up all night and function properly the next day. I don't seem to hide my tiredness as well as I used to in the past. There are days where I could sleep all day and it still isn't enough. I find it even affects my wit (my mind just doesn't want to function as fast as it used to (which I personally find is the worst side effect of all)). I am so looking forward to the day when I no longer have to take the stupid stuff; in fact, I think I'll throw a party. A huge party with sugar free treats for everyone and lots and lots and lots and lots of alcohol (and grapefruit).

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