Friday, July 06, 2007

Tina is...

Tina is very tired today. Sometimes when she is tired she refers to herself in the third person. It's going to be another very long and tiring weekend. Tina may or may not be heading out to the something, something Tavern this evening (Tina has forgotten the name and is not intentionally not saying where she is going). One of Tina's favourite cousins is getting married tomorrow (Tina is now officially tired of the third person). My cousin and I grew up together and it's really weird to think of him as a married man (just as weird as it is to think of Steve in those terms). I went to get my hair done last night. Again, those of you not familiar with black (nappy) hair do not understand the full implications of getting my hair done. Because it has been styled in order to not mess it up, I'm not allowed to sleep. I'm now in my 28th hour of wakefulness and I'm fading fast. I'm really excited for my cousin and I think I have a great surprise for him. One of his good buddies growing up went away to school and just came back to town recently and I've invited him to come to the wedding with me. Italian weddings from my experience are usually the most fun. I've stopped hiding when they announce that the bride is about to throw her bouquet. I've learned it makes too big a scene with some people, so I quietly join the crowd and keep my arms tightly to my side and sneak to the opposite direction when I figure out which way the bouquet is going. The last thing my family (*cough* Grandmother *cough*) needs is any encouragement in their (her) quest to see me married by next year.


Where's Marie is currently being updated. I'm hoping to get a lot more pictures from Cape Town on there. So if you like be on the look out.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Could you be more annoying???

Okay, so there were a couple of things that really got on last nerve yesterday. For example the taxi cab driver that had the clock set 10 minutes slow so I thought I was getting to work right on time when in fact I was 10 minutes late and as a result of not realizing at the time gave him a much bigger tip than he deserved.

I love the rain. It's actually my favourite type of weather. The only time me and the rain fall out are when it decides to fall right after I've had my hair relaxed (straightened for those of you who aren't familiar with black (in other words nappy) hair). It's even worse when the wind is blowing the rain in all directions so regardless of how you hold the umbrella you get absolutely no coverage.

Speaking of umbrellas nothing ticks me off more than those people on the bus who decide it is necessary to give their sopping wet umbrellas it's own seat. This means that even if they later decide to do the right thing and give up the seat to someone who needs it, the gesture is totally empty as the person gets a nasty surprise when they sit right into the puddle the umbrella has made (it might not be the same on the TTC buses but here in York region we have clothe covered seats and it can be very difficult to tell if they are wet or not).

My next favourite thing on the bus is hitting the school stops just as school lets out. There are few things more fun than sharing a packed, wet, muggy bus with 30 loud, obnoxious teenagers.

I think from now on I'll just walk home on rainy days.

Life is Complete

This weekend I had one of those moments that will go down in the history of my life as one of the greatest moments of my life. I've been in love with Jagged Edge from the second I heard the song "I Gotta Be". Seeing them perform it live was something I thought I'd never get to experience. When they starting to sing it at the concert on Saturday I swear my entire body was covered in goose bumps. I turned to my best friend sitting beside me and told her exactly how I felt (I would have turned to my boyfriend, but I believe he was out getting his 5th or 6th beer for the evening) "My life is complete". As pathetic as it is to believe I think there are very few moments in life that will top that experience (maybe childbirth (but I plan to be so medicated I won't remember my name for the following 3 days)). Now all that's left is to see Boyz II Men on July 12th (I'm 93% sure I'll end up pissing my pants that day from being so excited (it might also be because of my weak bladder)). Ahhh… The music of my life.

New Thoughts…

I've been running into a lot of people from my past and every one says the exact same thing… I haven't changed a bit! I'm not sure is that good or bad. Does that mean I look young or just that I used to look old. I don't know or care much and to be honest if take a picture of me from when I was twelve and one from right now the only difference would be that I'm (probably) better dressed now and my makeup doesn't look like it was done in the dark, during a very bumpy car ride.

Did you ever have one of those stories, where it's a great story but because of who it is about you really shouldn't tell it… SO, here it is… Two friends of mine had nothing to do a couple Sundays ago and so they decided to get drunk. As they were sitting there totally plastered one friend (we'll call him friend N) turns to the other and says "I have to go to bed". The other friend (I think we'll call him friend P) says "'N' you're pretty drunk you should stay here for a while and just chill", but N insists that he must go to bed and finally gets up to leave. A little while later P's girlfriend comes home and finds the house in total chaos. Apparently, N had gone upstairs and he must of found it too hot as he started to strip as he got to the top step. His shirt had landed in his sister's room, a shoe had ended up in the bathtub and N had ended up naked on his parent's bed as he had locked the door to his room and couldn't find the key. P's girlfriend (Q) come into the house and was immediately given the duty of finding N's keys which were somewhere in the house, but nowhere where they should be. Once Q stopped laughing (it only took her 10 or 20 minutes) she found P who in his drunken state surprisingly found N's keys rather quickly and P and Q spent the remainder of the night ever so often breaking into fits of the giggles.
(Sorry for the confusion there, but it was so funny I had to share in some form or fashion)

After some extended sick leave I'm finally back to work. Unfortunately, there are many aspects of the job I feel I have to learn all over again. It really almost feels like I'm starting a new job the amount of refreshing and new training I've had to give myself. I guess the lesson learned is stay healthy and I won't have to deal with this again (admittedly, I don't much blame myself for the pneumonia).

For some reason I never seem to make it to the bathroom before my bladder has reached emergency status. I think the problem is I'm still sitting at my desk waiting for permission to use the bathroom and I'll end up waiting there until it is do or die time. I'm almost sure that the damage I've caused to my bladder is irreparable and anytime now I'm going to have to start wearing Depends (or even worse Tena's).


I have to recognize that what I do unto others will most probably be done unto to me. For years I have found nothing more entertaining than going out to dinner with friends and telling the server it was one friend's birthday when it wasn't and watching the look of disbelief on my friends faces as the servers would walk out singing "Happy Birthday" and they would be trying to figure out exactly what is going on. This has gone on for years with very little payback. About a month or so ago that all changed. Seeing as I finished my program with a 4.0 GPA I easily won (actually tied for) the award for my college offers. The award ceremony is held once every spring and I invited my entire family and my boyfriend to attend. A couple of weeks before the ceremony my boyfriend and I had gone out for dinner to Montana's and I once again pulled of the fake birthday surprise. He took it really well, no blurting out "it's not my birthday" and there was no talk of revenge, all I got was "very funny" (he looked super cute in the horns so I figured he had nothing to complain about!). Back to my award ceremony… so we finally get to my category and I'm fortunate enough to have the teacher who had seen me through most of the program there to present me with the award. As she announces my name she tells the crowd not only am I receiving the award today it is also my birthday. The entire crowd starts to yell "Happy Birthday" and I'm getting pats on the back and all I can think to say is "It's not my birthday!". As I'm saying it for the third time, I look over and I see my boyfriend practically on the floor laughing so hard he can't breath. Apparently, before the ceremony he had gone to the ladies in charge and informed them it was my birthday and had even convinced them to let him go to the front of the room when my award was called and lead the crowd in singing "Happy Birthday". Fortunately, when the time came he was laughing so hard he couldn't make it to the front of the room to follow through. After the ceremony the ladies in charge came up to me to let me know my boyfriend is a "Very, Naughty Boy!!"

What can I say… Payback is a bitch!!!

(At least he got me good)