Saturday, November 18, 2006

Rolling with the punches

I always expect others to simply roll with the punches. Life happens, you deal with whatever situation you face and keep going. I have a tendency to let things roll off my back and there is very little that actual "gets to me" in the sense of comments or opinions people have about me. I guess I have my dad to blam... I mean thank for that. I don't want to say that he was hard on me growing up, however he's a very I-N-T-E-R-E-ST-I-N-G man and you'll learn quickly that he doesn't always say the most appropriate things (there was an instance with a lady at a stop sign, her baby and a banana/monkey joke that stands out vividly in my mind). You either had to learn to suck it up and give what you got or become an investor with Kleenex. Unreasonably, I expect others to have the suck it up philosophy and if they throw it back I feel a weird sort of connection. (Yes, I’m a very sick person) You'll know I like you if I'm comfortable enough to make fun of you. If I'm overly polite, I either don't like you or don't know you (If you're reading this and I'm usually polite to you PLEASE consider yourself to fall under the latter group). I get easily annoyed with people who don't seem to be able to let my comments not affect them as half the time I've forgotten what I've said before I've even completed the statement. I rarely think that people are taking me seriously as I have such difficulty trying to be serious. (In fact if anyone bothers to read my ramblings they would notice the use of the words - honestly, truthfully, admittedly are used on a regular basis - because even I feel the need to let myself know when I'm not joking around). SO, what I'm trying to say is for the most part people really shouldn't take it personal.

It’s me, not you.

1 comment:

Suzy said...

I find that with me I dont realise that something got to me until I start thinking about it a week after it was said to me. Then I tell myself its silly that it came back to mind but it shows that words sure do have an impact... I find however that the few comments that do get to me are usually directed at a weakness I didn't even know I had until the comment was made. And I also know that the person who said it has no idea that I feel that way about myself.However I dont mind being teased ... I grew up with a big family and teasing is our life! But these are people that know me so well that they would never tease me with certain things. I guess what I am saying is that the degree of teasing should be proportional to how well you know the person and also the type of teasing should vary from one person to another. Those are my thoughts.