Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I'm not your tradegy

This is a random collection of different sayings and lyrics from my ratty, old notebook (we're talking all the way back to grade 9 people). My ratty, old notebook also contains a surprising amount of conjugated Latin (a failed attempt to launch a Latin club (grade 11 (I told you I'm a geek))) and curse words in 5 different languages (predominately Spanish) and the awkward account of my first love according to me (honesty and accuracy do not seem to have played a big role in that recollection). I figured I might as well do something with them as there not as bad as I originally feared (see, cleaning my room has some benefits).

Here we go (I'll start with one of my favourites):

I miss the way he could make me laugh when I didn't even want to smile

Seconds, minutes, hours and even days have passed,
And yet you didn't come back...
Memories of the past have been haunting me...
Only a glimpse of you will make this longing feeling right,
So I'll wait for the day that you'll come back.

We may not be lovers kissing each other, holding hands, exchanging I love you's, I may not be your girl or you my man. But one thing is for sure: that when I find someone exactly like you... I won't make the same mistake again

Never say I love you if you don't really care. Never talk about feelings if they are not really there. Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart.

My hands are made to touch you...
My lips were made to kiss you...
My arms were made to hug you...
Now my eyes are crying for you because I know that your heart was not made to love mine.

I'm afraid to close my eyes because I might dream of you.
I'm afraid to open them because I won't see you there.

One day you'll love me as I loved you
One day you'll cry for me as I cried for you
One day you'll need me like I needed you
One day you'll want me but I'll no longer want you

I cannot change the past, but I can let it go.

As time passes by and the years multiply
I'll still be loving you

Why should I give up the fight now?
What if I'm the one who supposed to win?

My body can grow old.
My face can get wrinkled.
Everything in this world can change
Except my love for you

God has blessed me to share time and space with a man he created just for me some will never know that not even a portion of that.

Love can never be unsure.

I'm not afraid of death, I'm not afraid of dying, I'm not afraid of my heart breaking and I'm not afraid of crying. The only thing I fear of ever really coming true, is living this fearless life without you

You are no longer the old friend that I longed for or the one who's there to comfort me when I cry. You're no longer the shadow that guides me or the one who catches me when I fall. You're just a memory that will soon fade with it all.

I don't run from you, I walk away slowly and it kills me because you don't care enough to stop me...

(I honestly don't know who to accredit these to or where I picked them up over the years (I have a feeling that some of them sound suspiciously like L.A.P.). Additionally, I am completely unwilling to lay claim to any that may be original MS in the event they may be used as evidence in the existence of me having a heart. In case you hadn't noticed the have a tendency to sound kind of post heart break seeing as the majority were located in the section right after the account of my first love, I think it gives away the fact that the ending was not a very happy one.)

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