Friday, July 06, 2007

Tina is...

Tina is very tired today. Sometimes when she is tired she refers to herself in the third person. It's going to be another very long and tiring weekend. Tina may or may not be heading out to the something, something Tavern this evening (Tina has forgotten the name and is not intentionally not saying where she is going). One of Tina's favourite cousins is getting married tomorrow (Tina is now officially tired of the third person). My cousin and I grew up together and it's really weird to think of him as a married man (just as weird as it is to think of Steve in those terms). I went to get my hair done last night. Again, those of you not familiar with black (nappy) hair do not understand the full implications of getting my hair done. Because it has been styled in order to not mess it up, I'm not allowed to sleep. I'm now in my 28th hour of wakefulness and I'm fading fast. I'm really excited for my cousin and I think I have a great surprise for him. One of his good buddies growing up went away to school and just came back to town recently and I've invited him to come to the wedding with me. Italian weddings from my experience are usually the most fun. I've stopped hiding when they announce that the bride is about to throw her bouquet. I've learned it makes too big a scene with some people, so I quietly join the crowd and keep my arms tightly to my side and sneak to the opposite direction when I figure out which way the bouquet is going. The last thing my family (*cough* Grandmother *cough*) needs is any encouragement in their (her) quest to see me married by next year.


k a r e n said...

Needing to go to the washroom is also a good excuse.. or sometimes I just pretend I'm in deep conversation with someone..

k a r e n said...

I'm tagging you... view my blog for details! =P

Anonymous said...

That's actually pretty interesting to note. That if you DON'T participate it DOES raise too much of a stink. lol.. it's sorta funny that you're damned if you don't and screwed if you do (or at least they think you REALLY want it now...)