Thursday, January 10, 2008

Carry On...

I never did know when to quit. My mom has always said I was the most persistent, tenacious, (annoying) child ever. It was just never in me to give up on things. Many of my teachers can attest to this as I sure 30% of the "A"s I ended up with started as "B"s. I can't honestly think of anything I've ever truly wanted or needed that I've given up on. I've consider it at times, but usually due to external pressures. Some times it really is a challenge to keep going knowing that there are so many obstacles there are ahead, but knowing that what I want is rarely ever simply handed over I carry on.


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k a r e n said...

I'm like you... stubborn in a lot of ways..but "good" stubborn I hope.

I was also one to aim for good grades and I really get disappointed when I don't get them. I'm also a bit competitive by nature and I always want to be at the top of the class.

I think being tenacious can both be good and bad... it's just knowing when to be stubborn and when to be soft.