Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Why I love my parents...

So I'm helping my mom to prepare Thanksgiving dinner and she sets aside the turkey neck for my Nonna. I'm sitting there looking at the turkey neck and decide to ask "Mom, what if they've been tricking us for all these years and that's not really the turkey's neck, but the turkey's shlong?" straight faced she turns to me and says "Tina, if that was the turkey's shlong, we'd be idolizing it, not eating it".

My dad and I stopped by a Chinese restaurant for dinner the other and as we were leaving I noticed a car with a bunch of little ribbon bows tied to the radio antenna. I ask "does that serve any purpose?" my dad's response had me pissing my pants "Yes Tina, it indicates that the driver's an asshole."

And that my friends is why I love my parents!

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