Thursday, May 20, 2010

Things that go through my head...

I've come to realize that I can be a very "not nice" person. Yes, I know this is something many people have picked up on some time ago and really isn't "breaking news", but today it proved extremely true and I thought I would share. first things first, those stupid TNA bags. Are teenage girls truly that dumb that it has become cool to walk around advertising "tits n' ass"? You can tell me until you're blue in the face that it is Touloula National Association or whatever the hell it's called, but I don't know a single person that sees that bag and doesn't think "tits n' ass" (maybe that says something about the company I keep)! Every morning I'm tempted to walk over to them and ask where they got the "tits n' ass" bag from, but I'm so afraid that they might not catch on to the sarcasm and engage me in conversation and I don't think my brain could take gaining that many stupid cells all at once. The next urge is one I don't think I'll be able to fight for too much longer. Every time that young, black boy rides his skateboard through the subway station, I can't help but want to say "DUDE, YOU'RE BLACK, COME ON!!!" Finally and probably the least nice thing about me, I don't know if I should share this, but here we go...
I currently sit in a shared cubicle with two other people. Their job requires a lot of concentration and quiet. I am not a quiet person and this has caused a "little" bit of conflict. I now must conduct the majority of my phone conversations in whispers. BUT, I've figured out the most passive-aggressive tool to use against them. THE NOISIEST FUCKING LUNCH IN THE WORLD. This is how it starts... I get an apple, some carrots, a straw, some chips, just think of things that make noise and it's in my lunch bag. I proceed to wrap everything in aluminum foil and then in put in a plastic baggy (if it come pre-wrapped I wrap it again!) I then take out everything all at once and begin to pull out my lunch single piece by piece. That means one chip *munch, munch, munch*, tussle bag, one chip *munch, munch, munch* and within 5 minutes I have the cubicle all to myself! Even better I've just started doing 6 smalls meals a day... I'm having too much fun!!! So there you have it I'm very "not nice" person!

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