Monday, February 14, 2011

S#$% my boss says...

So the other day I was working on something and I realized that somebody had submitted a form that shouldn't have come to our office. I went and asked my boss to make sure I was right before returning the form. At first he agreed with me and then as we were talking about it, he grabbed the file out of my hand and said that he just realized it was fine, there was a piece of the puzzle I didn't know, but not to worry about. (You would think the man had never met me before to make a comment like that!) For the next 4 hours every 5 to 10 minutes I would go into his office and ask what it is I didn't know. At around hour two he started to threaten to fart if I came back into his office. By end of hour four he had had enough.

HIM: You just keep picking and picking and picking and picking. I feel like a pimple that is about to burst and puss all over your glasses!!!

ME: Bobby, that is honest to God the most disgusting analogy I have ever heard in my life.

The information was revealed shortly after that and it was nothing super exciting. I later repeated the story to some friends that know the two of us and they could not believe that I had brought such a quiet, respectable, peaceful man down to that level. You can only imagine what my mom has had to deal with for too many years now.

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