Friday, October 28, 2011

The past is behind me...

I can't stand people who live in the past. Shit happens to everyone and we all have to deal with it eventually. People who decide to dwell on the past instead of being in the present drive me nuts. Now is happening now, you can’t stop it, time doesn’t stand still, your past is behind you. It shouldn’t be a revelation that it’s behind, because it’s not all around you and it shouldn’t be all that you can see. Even if you don’t want to put it behind you, you must in order to truly move forward. Sitting the past is wasting the present and the future.

I prefer to live in the present and look forward to the future. I appreciate the past and everything it has taught me and for bringing me to this point. I know the present isn’t always going to be perfect, but neither was the past. Knowing that is what keeps me excited for the future.

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