Sunday, September 17, 2006

Not a big deal

Something a lot of people don't know about me is that I'm Diabetic. I found out about 3 years and it was kind of funny because I was in the hospital at the time and different nurses and doctors kept asking if I was and since to my knowledge I wasn't it pissed me off that they kept asking, as I try not to lie to people who are constantly sticking needles in me. People around me (mostly family) made me feel like I'd just been given a horrible death sentence and I was somewhat uncomfortable telling people because the only people who seemed familiar with Diabetes seemed to know someone who had an awful experience with it (going blind, dying, etc.). My doctor was not very happy with me at first as I didn't take it very seriously and he had more horror stories than anyone else of people dying in their 20's and 30's and kept insisting that he wanted to see me live a long and healthy life. The beginning of this year I decided to stop being an idiot and start taking care of myself as I also would like to see me have a long and healthy life.

For the most part it's not that hard living in a world with millions of sugar-free products. The biggest problem I seem to have is when dining out servers/waiters seem to have the impression that mixing up my sugar-free diet coke with a regular coke is no big deal. Now, to the ordinary dieter I'm pretty sure that one regular coke is not going to throw them far off course. On the other hand I've found for me that one simple slip can cause me and the people around me hours of unhappiness (sugar does very weird things to me). So, if you see me checking my drink order, please don't think I'm being a bitch or anything, I'm simply trying to save those around me from the torture that is me on "sugar".

1 comment:

Sj said...

Welcome to blogging.. this was a grand 2nd post!

My aunt got diabeties diagnosed I think last year and she had many of the same thoughts you did (though she was so far advanced in it that she DID lose most of her vision..ahem..)
but it did help wake me up to the dangers of genetics mixed with bad habits too... so im with you on this.

Also, I never knew that you on sugar was a bad mix.. hmm.. guess I should stop pouring sugar onto your food when you leave the table...

too many elipses