Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Toys"R"Us Kid

My boss called me into his office today and immediately my mind starts going over everything I’ve done recently to get myself into trouble. Admittedly, I probably should not have brought the 2 children's balls into the office today. As well, I should have refrained from setting up a basketball court in the claims prep area. Also, it would probably have been advisable to not put the balls up my shirt and do an Anna Nicole Smith impression. The list could go on, and telling my boss "I'll stop playing with my balls" sure didn't help anything, but fortunately today that had very little to do with our discussion.

Today I've been given a challenge. I mentioned a few posts ago that I was looking for one and it has now found me. My boss sees both my potential and ambitious and I'm pretty blessed by his decision to foster them. Every once in a while he gives me an "Assignment". They tend to have nothing to do with my job description and focus on what he eventually sees me amounting to. Some have been fairly easy, as in, learning how to operate different applications and teach others and some have been rather difficult, for example, sticking me on a national committee and having me come up with a proposal paper. Recently, they (my manager (boss) and supervisor) have been grooming me for more of a supervisor/management position. I think this is kind of funny as I still see myself as a kid (which is one of my nicknames here at work (that and Trouble)). My boss has also decided that I need to ”Start leading by example". I guess what he is trying to say is no more fart machines at work. Being honest, I do appreciate his advise and guidance and once I reach the top, I'll have to make sure to remember him.

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