Friday, October 20, 2006

Bite Marks

My past has been biting me in the ass.

In the past two months, I've run into more people than I had in the previous five years. And they've all managed to catch me on that one day (that day I treat myself to no makeup, a ponytail and jeans (it's mind-boggling, 93.82% (rough estimate) of the time I'm dressed professionally)). I've bumped into high school friends, ex-coworkers, ex-boyfriends (It's been a prolonged version of This Is Your Life). I never know what to do or say (people always go for a hug (It makes me laugh because some of these people I've never touched in my life and now they want a greeting as if we used to be close friends)). To add to my feelings of stupidity I rarely recognize the person or remember their name (The majority I would have passed right by and not realized it was them). I guess old age is finally creeping up on me.

1 comment:

Sj said...

Before our wedding Suzy and I ran into an old nextdoor neighbour of mine. Apparently my mother still talks to her mom off and on so they knew about the wedding plans etc. Anyway, I called her Voula.. and her name was Stacy which I didn't remember til the end. I hate those sort of things. She had a friend with her too. There wasn't any bond or anything just awkward "Um.. hello?" sort of thing. haha