Thursday, October 19, 2006

Too Easy!!

In high school I had a classmate tell me that things came too easily to me. I didn't go to class and I got good grades. Whenever I needed something, I somehow got it. Things were just thrown at me (I had just won leadership positions in two clubs and an accounting award (admittedly, with very little effort). I attributed the comments to her being a bitch and left it at that. (Hint for Tip - M.V.)

Thanks to her, every once in a while I do wonder if things don't come to me too easily.

Example 1
Once again, forgetting I'm not superwoman, I volunteered for the charitable donation drive in at work. Since I was out of the office Monday, working hard on Tuesday and blogging yesterday, today was the first opportunity I've had to participate. They gave me tickets to sell for a raffle (the prize is a turkey (who wants a turkey?)). The chairperson handed me 50 tickets and said to bring back the extras when I was done. I had them all sold in a half hour (I had to go back twice for more tickets and ended up selling all of the ones we had on hand). Why is that impressive? I've been told that in the past two years raffles and other events have had to be cancelled due to a lack of participation. My manager called me into his office to say that my success was "ridiculous" (in a good way) and that I'm "totally in the wrong profession".

Example 2
As if my ego needed more stroking, at school (between whispering to the guy beside me) I couldn't give a wrong answer and after class the teacher called me over to ask for my help and gave me an extra assignment to complete (in a good way). You have to understand that this teacher hates us. He takes perverse pleasure in asking for the answer and than completely shooting down your responses. Some of my favourites - "No, that's not right", "Stop right there, did you even hear the question?", after an answer is given "NO! Does anybody else have the RIGHT answer?" (He's awesome!!). I was walking to the bus stop with someone from my class she pointed out that he’s never done that to me, even when I’ve given the wrong answer (a rare occurrence); he has always “respected” my thoughts.

It scares me to think what the world would be like if I actually tried.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! Tina you're just one of those extremely, unbelievably lucky (or should I say gifted?) people in the world! I think my brother thinks of me that way...