Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Once again, Speechless

I find I am entirely composed of unexpressed opinions.

In the past I had no difficulty in ensuring my point of view was made know. Recently, there appears to be no point in expressing myself when so few attempt to understand what is being said. People are so self-consumed and self-important, that all that seems to matter is that others know they are right. Playing devil's advocate has lost its appeal, as it no longer delivers the desired effect. It fails to instigate an educated discussion with insightful and logical arguments. No one attempts to think for themselves. I'm tired of hearing "I heard", "I read", or worst of all "I saw on television" as the preface for every opinion expressed. I'm not referring to someone that states "I heard/read/saw" and continues on to state their example and elaborates or adds their personal opinion; I'm referring to those that utilize their example as their opinion. At school, all of the professors have stated that they are there to teach us how to think. They say to question things, research, formulate our own thoughts and opinions, however when it comes time for marking should our opinion not match theirs we get penalized. That’s the reward given to those that bother to try.

The art of conversation has been lost. Very few know how to actively listen and ensure that all participants in the conversation are understood. Most people have developed the "next-in-line" syndrome, where they are more worried about what they'll say when the speaker is done than focusing on what is being said. "All progress in the world depends on a person who seeks opportunity—not security. A person who takes the calculated risk, to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed, who faces the world boldly and says, 'This is what is possible'." It is possible to understand and be understood, to agree to disagree, to discuss and not argue. This is one less unexpressed opinion and I believe you'll hear many more from me.


Suzy said...

I guess thats why they say "listening" is an art that has to be mastered. When someboy agrees with what we're saying we're excited and we want to respond. When someone totally disagrees with us, we rush to defend our opinion. I am becoming really good at interupting people when I am excited and its a habit I should break out of.

Marieseda said...

I have no problem with people getting excited or trying to defend their opinion, I do take issue when their response or defense is irrelevant to what's being discussed as they failed to listen (with comprehension) as to what was being said.