Wednesday, November 01, 2006


(I was reading Suzy's blog last night and realized this is along the same line as her HTWFAIP and the Beauty of the Human Mind (this is getting kind of weird))

I believe that our lives are shaped by the choices we make. I don't think that life just happens to anyone. We all hear the stories about people who rise up from the situations around them. People call them exceptional and inspirational; I like to imagine that foremost they considered themselves determined. They decided they wanted something and went after it. They didn't bother to let where they come from or the obstacles they faced determine what their lives would become. I can't stand to hear excuses about why someone doesn't have the job, spouse or life they wanted, you choose what you got, live with it.

If there's something in life you really want first you decide it's what you really want, you focus on it and go after it. I want to be a lawyer (I've been saying that since I was five), it's going to cost a butt-load of money that I don't have, I'm I going to let this stop me, of course not. To me this goal is something I've been focused on forever, I decided on it and I'm going after and taking every logical step along the way I can. I think Dr. Wierwille explains the concept fairly well in The Bible Tells Me So:

A camera offers an appropriate analogy of the means by which you can get results to prayer and find release from your prisons. If you want an answer to prayer, first get your object in mind. You select what you want in the picture. This is step one: you're clear on what you want. Secondly, you use the range finder and focus the subject properly. Then consider the length of exposure of the picture so that all factors may work together for a perfect picture. After all of this, shoot the picture.

I also can't stand when people are waiting for the "right time". There's never going to be a "right time". Life's not going to say "Okay, I think you've had enough, here take a break, go back to school, enjoy yourself". As childlike as I consider myself to be I have responsibilities that I must take care of and I don't imagine them going away anytime soon. From what I've seen life doesn't get any easier, we don't reach a point where everything settles down and smooths itself out. So, if someone's waiting for the "right time" I hope they're holding their breathe at the same time.

It's ridiculous to think that life's going to either wait for you or just hand things over. As my father loves to say "shit in one hand and wish in the other; see which one fills up first".


Sj said...

omg that is quite the awesome...if graphic...saying

Anonymous said...

It's true, you have to do something about the things you want in life. In my country there is a saying that goes, "nasa diyos ang awa, nasa tao ang gawa" which basically means God is merciful but you have do your part.

Determination is everything...

kristin said...

tina, your dad is the man. that's awesome.

Anonymous said...

Amiable post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.