Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I Know My Stuff!

There are a lot of different issues I'll confess to knowing or caring nothing about, but when it comes to something that gets me excited or insprires passion I'll fully invest in it. In case you haven't notice the law is one of those things. There were times when I not only researched it, I immersed myself in it. I read, I watched, every discussion I had was centred on it. I've worked in a law firm and every day I deal with interpreting legislation. Usually, if or when I offer an opinion or fact of law I know what I'm talking about.

The other day, somebody made a statement about a fact of law that was completely erroneous and I corrected them, because honestly it was such a stupid statement I felt embarrassed for them in the event that they might ever utter it in front of another learned person. Her response was to basically pat me on the head, tell me I was wrong and continue on with her conversation. To say I was taken aback would be an understatement. I (not being one to back down) interrupted again so say that what she had spoken about, but an application I'd actually had to adhere when working in the office of a that type of lawyer. For some reason that allowed her to accept my statement and ask for further advice, but by that point I was so angered I had to walk away before I said something to really get me into trouble.

Because I look 18 it doesn't mean I'm a "stupid kid". I'm getting tired of people thinking you have to be a fifty year old, white male in order to be an authority on anything.


Anonymous said...

I can totally relate!

I hate it when people jump to conclusions. I feel insulted when someone looks down on me because they think I don't know anything or because they're the managers and they feel they know everything.

Years of experience is valuable -i agree - but it doesn't mean you know everything.

Sj said...

Been there and felt that too.. it happened at the Bulmers once.. ask me about it later if you want but it was aggrivating!!

Suzy said...

I can relate too for about a year my manager called me "little Suzy" and once I pointed out that the gurl she was talking to was actually younger than me, that threw her off but she still said "but you're still little Suzy". Good thing is it doesnt stop her or anyone else from coming to me when they feel like they need my help ! My manager is probably the most open minded coworker I know- and we usually discuss things, she asks for my input etc its not just her telling what to do and why.