Friday, November 17, 2006


I hate to see someone hurting. I always feel so inadequate in those situations. Almost like I should go and call a "Real Adult" to come and assist. One of my friends told me her aunt passed away this morning, she was really upset, but worried about getting her job done. I expressed my condolences and offered to listen if she wanted to talk. She said she just wanted to go home and be with her mom who is flying out later today to be with the rest of her family. She'd already checked with her boss who'd told her just to do the minimum and go home, but she was trying to push herself to get some of her other duties done. I convinced her to just do what she'd been told and go it's not going to make a big different if for one day her job doesn't get done but spending time with her mother comforting each other is something I'm sure they both need. I still feel kind of useless, like there was something else I could have done and just couldn't think of it.


El Chupacabra said...

I constantly find myself in that same situation. Someone tells me bad news and I just sit there...blinking.

Marieseda said...

A visit from El.

I finally feel like a member of the blogging community!

Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone.