Sunday, November 05, 2006

I don't get it

(Revised Monday, November 6, 2006)

Sometimes you meet someone's significant other or the person they're interested in and you can't help but think "What the hell?" I've met two guys recently and I thought they were both great people. They were funny, intelligent, decent looking guys. Than I met the girlfriend of one and I couldn't stop myself from thinking just a little bit less of him. I understand having a bad day every once in a while, but I had the misfortune of running into his girlfriend several times and the nicest thing I can say about her is that she was a perfect bitch. She was rude, obnoxious, jealous (did I say rude already?), she was mean to him and other people on the bus and I can honestly say she left a really nasty impression (I'm being polite). At that point in time, I had no interest in this guy other than friendship, but I thought to myself do I really want to even be friends with someone who can see this person as a potential life partner. He's since broken up with her and I don't know him well enough yet to ask what he was thinking, but you can believe I will eventually.

It's weird that who somebody is with can be as important as who they are. I think a significant other is a big reflection what someone wants in life. If you're willing to put up with pettiness, nastiness and internal ugliness that's up to you but I wouldn't want to intertwine my life with someone like that.

I recant my statement on the other possible relationship because, basically, who the hell am I to speak? You never know they may be the making of each other. She's not a bad person, I guess I was just in a bad mood.


High Power Rocketry said...

: )

kristin said...

totally. absolutely. i feel ya.

Suzy said...

I get really excited about meeting everyone's significant other because its like an experiment! I want to see if that person can really be himself or herself with her/his partner. Do they get embarassed about certain things their partner does? Its too much fun and its also easy to tell when a couple is fully functional.