Saturday, November 25, 2006

Not Thrilled

I like to think that I'm not a stupid person. In general I try not to put myself in situations that may cause me harm (I know I've made exceptions, but please let's not mention those in the comments (there's not enough space (Kidding (Kinda)))). I've taken self-defense classes, I try to walk around my school campus with other students, stay in well lit areas whenever possible and try to be conscious of my surroundings. When I got to school early on Thursday and decided to pick up a school newspaper to see the goings on around campus. The headline read, "Toronto Police Issue A Public Safety Alert - Student Sexually Assaulted". I read through the article and I have to admit I wasn't too impressed that the only time I'm hearing about this is over two weeks after the fact. The assault took place at 6:30pm in an area of campus that's fairly well lit and supposedly it wasn't the first one. On the way home I started talking to some of the other people on the bus and the rumour going around campus is that this is the third time in this academic year. This isn't the only incident to raise concern. There have been 4 robberies in the past several weeks and at least two have been at gunpoint. One took place in a school library. Two students were there studying and were robbed at gunpoint for their laptops.

It's not that I expect to live in a perfect world or that school is a special place were nothing bad ever happens (especially because of the area in which the school is situated), I would simply like to be informed in a timely manner when things are going on. Had I been told weeks ago about the different issues I would have taken some extra precautions (it's really not that difficult to do, I'll start them now). I just don't like the air of secrecy that seemed to surround the events. It would have been unforgivable had other incident happened because people just didn't know what to be on the look out for.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Schools have a tendency to promote the good and bury the bad. Always be on guard even in the safest most lighted areas. The last place I as a student would think of being robbed or assaulted would be the safety of the library. But think about it, when are you least on guard, when lost in thought and worried about the term paper or exams or whatever profs throw at you? Or maybe the idiot who stole the article you need for a research report. Always walk softly and carry a big stick!