Tuesday, December 05, 2006

What's up?

If you know me, you’ll know that "What's up?" is my quintessential question. So the question for me today is "What's up?"

Everything seems to be going on lately. I'm living, loving, learning, growing, experiencing and just being the best me I can be. I've been making realizations about myself that have been surprising to say the least. About things that are important to me, things that I hold true. I've been totally putting myself out there and been as honest as humanly possible and though it's incredibly scary and has the possibility of causing immense pain, I wouldn't be me if I didn't take the chance. As familiar as I like to believe I am with not hiding behind things, it's draining to just put everything on the table and hope for the best. I'm not afraid of admitting a weakness because that means I know it's there and can work on improving it. If I lie to myself nobody benefits.

Other than that it's way too cold outside, there's a pitiful amount of snow. Cape Town seems to be approaching at the speed of light. I still have tons of shopping to do before the trip. Thursday is my last class for the semester. I don't think I'm going to see Justin after all (I just don't feel like it right now (Sorry (I might change my mind later))). Old friends are making their presence known (Unfortunately, they're not fitting well into my schedule). I wouldn't mind disappearing for a couple of weeks and resurfacing just in time to catch the plane to Cape Town. Life goes on in exactly the manner it should.

1 comment:

Sj said...

I got what you mean here..

and whenever Tina asks "What's up?" It always has this little smile behind it. It's definitely HER.

Take the chance bud