Thursday, July 05, 2007

Could you be more annoying???

Okay, so there were a couple of things that really got on last nerve yesterday. For example the taxi cab driver that had the clock set 10 minutes slow so I thought I was getting to work right on time when in fact I was 10 minutes late and as a result of not realizing at the time gave him a much bigger tip than he deserved.

I love the rain. It's actually my favourite type of weather. The only time me and the rain fall out are when it decides to fall right after I've had my hair relaxed (straightened for those of you who aren't familiar with black (in other words nappy) hair). It's even worse when the wind is blowing the rain in all directions so regardless of how you hold the umbrella you get absolutely no coverage.

Speaking of umbrellas nothing ticks me off more than those people on the bus who decide it is necessary to give their sopping wet umbrellas it's own seat. This means that even if they later decide to do the right thing and give up the seat to someone who needs it, the gesture is totally empty as the person gets a nasty surprise when they sit right into the puddle the umbrella has made (it might not be the same on the TTC buses but here in York region we have clothe covered seats and it can be very difficult to tell if they are wet or not).

My next favourite thing on the bus is hitting the school stops just as school lets out. There are few things more fun than sharing a packed, wet, muggy bus with 30 loud, obnoxious teenagers.

I think from now on I'll just walk home on rainy days.

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