Thursday, July 05, 2007


I have to recognize that what I do unto others will most probably be done unto to me. For years I have found nothing more entertaining than going out to dinner with friends and telling the server it was one friend's birthday when it wasn't and watching the look of disbelief on my friends faces as the servers would walk out singing "Happy Birthday" and they would be trying to figure out exactly what is going on. This has gone on for years with very little payback. About a month or so ago that all changed. Seeing as I finished my program with a 4.0 GPA I easily won (actually tied for) the award for my college offers. The award ceremony is held once every spring and I invited my entire family and my boyfriend to attend. A couple of weeks before the ceremony my boyfriend and I had gone out for dinner to Montana's and I once again pulled of the fake birthday surprise. He took it really well, no blurting out "it's not my birthday" and there was no talk of revenge, all I got was "very funny" (he looked super cute in the horns so I figured he had nothing to complain about!). Back to my award ceremony… so we finally get to my category and I'm fortunate enough to have the teacher who had seen me through most of the program there to present me with the award. As she announces my name she tells the crowd not only am I receiving the award today it is also my birthday. The entire crowd starts to yell "Happy Birthday" and I'm getting pats on the back and all I can think to say is "It's not my birthday!". As I'm saying it for the third time, I look over and I see my boyfriend practically on the floor laughing so hard he can't breath. Apparently, before the ceremony he had gone to the ladies in charge and informed them it was my birthday and had even convinced them to let him go to the front of the room when my award was called and lead the crowd in singing "Happy Birthday". Fortunately, when the time came he was laughing so hard he couldn't make it to the front of the room to follow through. After the ceremony the ladies in charge came up to me to let me know my boyfriend is a "Very, Naughty Boy!!"

What can I say… Payback is a bitch!!!

(At least he got me good)

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