Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Just Thought I'd Share

This morning for some reason i bought a package of applesauce. I'm usually not a fan of mushy food, but i just felt in the mood for some. When my little sister was about 6 months old i was playing with her shortly after my mom had finished feeding her. I was holding her up in the air and asking who the cutest baby in the world is. While in the middle of said sentence she spit up and it land right in my mouth. For some reason my applesauce reminded me of that episode (I don’t think I'll be eating applesauce again.)

For some reason the sock in my left shoe won't stay up.

The word "lethologica" describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want. i seem to be in that state quite often.

Last Saturday i spent most of the day hanging out with a 6 year old, it's sad that that was the most intellectual conversation I've had in a while (finally, someone who gets me).

When you die your hair will still appear to grow for a couple of months.

Next year is my parent's 30th anniversary and my dad's -- th birthday. I'm trying to think of something nice to do for them (but being nice is so far out of my realm, I'm finding it quite the challenge).

Laughing lowers levels of stress hormones and strengthens the immune system. Six-year-olds laugh an average of 300 times a day. Adults only laugh 15 to 100 times a day. (the 6 year old connection is beginning to make even more sense).


Anonymous said...

I'm closer to a 6-year-old than an adult then...

Anonymous said...

that looked like either a weird condom package... OR some egg about to be impregnated on those discovery

good eatin

Marieseda said...

I think that most men are closer to a 6-year old than an adult female ;p

WOW SJ! I didn't see those images until you pointed them out. Now I don't even see it as applesauce anymore.