Wednesday, January 23, 2008

In-Salting Behaviour

My dad tells this story about when he was living in Bristol. He and his family went to visit an old family friend in Paris and for the first night a big feast was prepared. Everyone sat down at the table to eat and before grace was said or a single person served my dad asked for some salt, pepper and ketchup. He states the hostess went off on such a tangent he thought she would have a heart attack (he was also glad for the first time to not be fluent in French as her comments where not very complimentary). What he had done to offend her he couldn't understand, but my grandmother knew exactly what occurred. He had been about as rude as any diner could. To salt one's food without tasting it first is unforgivably rude. It shows a lack of confidence in the skills of the chef. Additionally, it is an insult to both the chef and the dinner's host (if they are not one and the same). There is also a bigger life lesson to be found here, the person who salts their food prior to tasting has demonstrated a closed mind. They made a decision prior to analyzing the data before them. If they do that with something as inconsequential as the food they eat what about the more important aspects of life. This is the kind of person that leaps before they look, which we all know is not always the best way to make a decision. Beware of the food salter (no offence Pops)!

1 comment:

Suzy said...

You can sit on a chair and write a post? GET BACK TO BED