Monday, February 04, 2008

Pain in the ...

Okay, so I haven't felt like blogging much lately and let me explain why... This is what my day has consisted of for the past 2 weeks. I wake up around 9:30 am (you'll understand why later) I immediately pop 2 oxycodone... why you ask (great question) because in exactly one hour my torturer (more commonly referred to as a nurse) will show up. She will proceed to take a 2 foot length of salt-water soaked gauze and a giant toothpick and she will then shove that aforementioned gauze into an open wound in my "back". As much as you would hope the oxycodone would help, it really doesn't. All the oxycodone does is puts me to sleep for the next 5 hours. I wake up at 4:00 pm and spend the next 11 hours trying to get back to sleep to only fall asleep around 3:00 am. To say I'm not in the mood to write lately is an understatement. Maybe tomorrow I'll be in a better mood.

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