Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Don't Get Me Started!!

The One

When I hear someone use the phrase "The One" it sends a chill through my heart. There’s a scene in the movie Ever After that helps illustrate one of my many problems with “The One”;

Henry: Then let's say God puts two people on Earth and they are lucky enough to find one another. But one of them gets hit by lightning. Well then what? Is that it? Or, perchance, you meet someone new and marry all over again. Is that the lady you're supposed to be with or was it the first? And if so, when the two of them were walking side by side were they both the one for you and you just happened to meet the first one first or, was the second one supposed to be first? And is everything just chance or are some things meant to be?

If it’s “chance” than who really cares; it might or might not happen so why worry about it?

If it’s “fate” than who really cares; it’s going to happen anyway to why worry about?

Now lets think about it, if were all meant to be with that “One” why do more than 50% of marriages end in divorce. Does that mean we are all really terrible at finding “The One”?

Believe me I’m just getting started when I have more time and freedom (stuck in training room (being watched)) I’ll elaborate further on my disgust with “The One”.

Thanks Suzy


Sj said...

Wow, Suzy went off on a little tangent from this piece on her blog.. dude, I commented on her blog about this first but I feel you on this one HUGE...

Anonymous said...

I've just posted a comment on Suzy's post about this and I have to say I agree with the two of you. There's no such thing as meeting "The One".

I'm going to go post about this on my blog too! LOL