Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Growing Up

I hate to admit to growing up because somehow it feels like I've lost the battle. I spent so many years running and hiding from it, that sadly, I feel somewhat relieved to think the process has finally caught up with me. It entailed a lot of little aspects of change, including buying a purse that can't be worn as a backpack, shying away from neon blue, pink and yellow eyeshadow and explaining to my sister not to interrupt when grown ups are speaking. As well, giving up the idea that certain friendships must be kept and certain loves can't be outgrown. However, I've discovered that growing up doesn't mean I have to stop laughing or having fun. I can still dress up for Halloween and play Monkey in the Middle. I can still enjoy my fairy tales (just not the ones where the princess is sitting there waiting for a prince to rescue her). I can build sandcastles, play with lego and have a conversation with a 4 year old about why I love being 4. I think as long as I don't have to turn into an "Adult" I'll be fine.


kristin said...

i think there needs to be more fairytales about the princess rescuing the prince. like sabrina... but not pretty woman.

"it's unavoidable. when you grow up, your heart dies."
the weird girl in The Breakfast Club.

oh boy... I don't want t be an adult either.

Anonymous said...

I promised myself I will do my best to always be a kid at heart. I never get tired of fairytales, playgrounds and cartoons.

In my professor's own words, "Strive to be childlike and not childish..."