Tuesday, October 03, 2006

For Love or Money

People are not always very encouraging when I tell them I want to be a lawyer. I noticed a while ago people stopped asking why I want to be one and I stopped thinking about it. They'll ask what type of law would I like to practice, how much longer will I be in school or would I like to work for a private firm or the government, but they stopped asking why.

It was never about the money; in fact I've never really wanted to be a lawyer. I used to love to research different laws and finding out why things are the way they are. To examine the progress that society had made in maintaining order. The pursuit of Justice and seeing that the guilty were punished and the innocent set free. I wanted to be judge. To ensure that Justice was served, to have the power to say "you've wronged society and now you must pay for your actions". Somewhere along the way I lost my focus. I stopped thinking about why it never felt like work studying or researching. It became about marks and than the money started creeping in. Teachers would tell you "study Corporate that's where the money is" or friends would say "wait until you can charge $300.00/hour" and then I found myself saying "I want to study Corporate, I want to earn $500.00/hour and charge clients for lunch and dinner and all sorts of other needless expenses". I throwing all that crap out and starting fresh again. I'm determined to find that love and excitement I once felt about law, life and liberty.

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