Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Soccer in High-heels

I love Thanksgiving!!!

What's my favourite Part?

(Easy question) Homemade stuffing.

Our fellowship did Thanksgiving on Sunday this year and while the adults worked on getting the meal ready, us kids got to play in the backyard. What happens when you mix me, a soccer ball and young children together; a very dangerous game of soccer (Tackle-Soccer involving a lot of grabbing and pushing). I will state for the record that I am well aware of the fact that I am somewhat accident prone. I will also state that playing soccer in high-heels is never a great idea, when the ground is wet and slippery it becomes an awful idea. Therefore, I'm proud to announce that the game was completed with a minimal amount of injury, I managed to keep my bottom dry and there are no fatalities to report (would I do it again, sadly I would).

Our family did Thanksgiving at our house this year. The majority of the mealtime conversation was my dad explaining to my aunt the numerous ways in which he would cook her dog, Holly. We had everyone out by 5 o'clock. It was the perfect holiday weekend.

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