Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Flushed Away (I wish)

There is nothing more disgusting than a women's washroom. At school today I walked into a washroom, it had 23 stalls, only one was ready for immediate use and there were 2 others that would have been suitable after a toilet paper seat cover, the rest were in various states of grossness. So called "squeamish" women do some of the most unspeakable things. So should you see me entering the men's room, it's not a mistake it's a conscious decision as I try to save myself from the horror that is the women's washroom.


Suzy said...

I walked into the men's room in '95 at the Rock, there was no one in there so I used the toilet. Then I started hearing male voices, which freaked me out. I peeked through that little space and I saw a bunch of guys and I felt extremely embarassed! I ended waiting in there for about 5 min just to make sure there was no one in the washrooms when I walk out. As I was walking out, some guy walked in and I think he was convinced he was going into the wrong washrooms... hehe

Cristina Gomes said...

I thougth that things like that only happens in Portugal ;o)

k a r e n said...

In highschool, my friends and I decided to have some fun.. we've never been in the men's washroom so we talked a few guys into letting us take a peek while they stand outside and make sure that no one comes in.

I also hate it when people smoke in the washroom. It makes you wonder what these people's bathrooms at home are like doesn't it?

Marieseda said...

I miss the Rock. I always wonder what it would have been like attending it as an adult. I kept my blue wraistband from the only year I attended as PFAL grad.

However, I definitely don't miss the bathrooms or the showers (few things grosser than old lady boobs at 5:30 in the morning.)