Monday, October 22, 2007

I want my bed!

I'm getting a cold. Not one of the "Hi I'm just here to make you sound stupid and go through 3 boxes of Kleenex" kind, I've got the "I'm here to play the drums in your head, make your eyes look like you've just lost your best friend and your face look like the snotty faced kid from Bad Santa". I can't remember making it from my bed to work this morning, but miraculously I'm here. My face hurts, my eyes hurt, my teeth hurt, my nose hurts, even my pinkie finger hurts (I don't think that's related but decided to throw it in anyways). I feel this way with the Sudafed working, I'd hate to imagine how I would feel if it wasn't. I should be going to class tonight, but have decided to give into my body instead and will be going home to rest (read Archie Comics).

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