Monday, January 07, 2008

2008 the "Big Picture"

There's a lot planned for this year. I'm not going to say I have resolutions, but I do have things I would like to get done. Leslie has said that to be included in my list is travelling with Leslie. This means for sure this year I'm either heading to Australia or the Philippines. There is also a family reunion in Trinidad, which my father has decided to turn into a real vacation (of the all-inclusive variety). Both items mean a lot of time on the beach. That in turn brings out the requirement for a beach body. In the never ending chain reaction that means diet and exercise. Diet and exercise results in a grumpy but good looking me. So it looks like for the next 5months there will be a lot of running. School starts again tonight I'm on the path for my first university "A". The goal for the next school year is to go back to full time student status (for some reason it's not quite as impressive when I say I work full time and I'm a part time student). That will require money, which will require overtime, which again results in a grumpy me. To the dismay of many (many = my psychiatrist and jeweller)I've decided to retreat from the world of relationships (I'm not quite sure what this means yet, when I figure it out I'll let you know). So here it is:

- Travel with Leslie (Australia and/or Philippines)
- Earn lots of money (Overtime)
- Vacation with family (Trinidad and Margarita)
- Develop beach body (Eat right and exercise)
- Focus on school (Full time student status)
- No more boys (unless I'm really bored)
- Not became a grumpy bitch (haven't figured out how to achieve that one yet)
- Marry Rich (if the opportunity presents itself)
- Record a hit album (again, if the opportunity presents itself)

Most importantly I will endeavor to not kill anyone regardless of how much they are asking for it.

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