Monday, January 07, 2008

It's Taser party time

When I was 14 or 15 my cousins from D.C. and a friend of theirs came up to Toronto for a visit. The friend, John, had just finished a trip to see his dad in Florida and as a gift he had received a taser (I'm 99% sure it should not have crossed the boarder, but it did). John was quite proud of his taser and you could see he was just itching for an excuse to use (and he almost did on drunk, homeless guy after our trip to the Ex). John had been pulling it out of his pocket and playing with it all day and we all kept telling he should just leave it alone. As we piled back in to the car to head him, we heard the loudest scream I think I've heard in my life. John had put the taser in his back pocket and when he sat down he set it off and it tasered his ass. To this day whenever the subject of a taser comes up, I can't help but get a little smile on my face.

I found the article on taser parties quite interesting. I can understand the appeal of being able to defend yourself with something that is easy to use, will disable your attacker and for the most part not be lethal. However, I'm sure if I purchased one the appeal to use it on my brother would be overwhelming. As well, I'm sure karma would see to it that I taser myself in the ass at least twice. I've done the self defense courses and read the articles and make sure to keep myself out of situations that would require self-defense, I still see the upper hand the taser gives as very beneficial.

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