Monday, January 09, 2012

Debt Free Forever!!!

So it came as kind of a surprise, but I'm finally debt-free. I was checking my credit card balances at the beginning of the month and realized that they were all $0. I can't even begin to explain how happy this made me. It was like this giant weight was lifted from my shoulders. I feel like I'm on a high and whenever I think about it I begin to smile. This means I can get serious about going to Australia and buying a house. It has totally made my month, maybe even my year knowing that every month I don't have to worry about making payments outside of my rent, my phone and my cable bill. I really feel free. I picked up Gail Vaz-Oxlade Debt-Free Forever and I'm hoping to never fall into the trap of credit card debt ever again. I'll try and post interesting tidbits from my readings.


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